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Coconut Milk...

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Coconut milk is a delicious and very good for you, beverage.  Just like coconut oil and coconut water it has many beneficial nutrients to support your health. 

There is a difference in the three natural products that come from the coconut. Coconut water is the liquid that naturally occurs inside the coconut while it is still green.  It is higher in certain electrolytes and sugar and tends to be a little more clear.  It has recently become a popular and healthy drink for athletes of all types.

As the coconut matures the liquid inside is replaced with coconut meat, which is then better to use for extracting coconut oil and making milk. It is also simple to make your own.

Coconut oil is another amazing product  extracted from the meat.  It is used for both cooking and health and beauty.  It is really worth checking out and giving a try, for your health and personal care needs.

Coconut Milk...

It is a great substitute if you are lactose intolerant or just want to try something different, and that tastes good. 

Great for All Ages

One of the wonderful things about this beverage is, that it’s beneficial for all ages, youngest to oldest.

  • If a situation arises, that a mom is unable to nurse her baby, it is possible to make a formula with coconut milk as the base ingredient, and it is very healthy.   If toddlers develop lactose allergies, they seem to do well with coconut milk.  Our little 3 year old grandson developed gluten intolerance and milk affected him as well.  So coconut milk, which he loves, is a healthy and tasty substitute for cows milk.
  • Our teenagers even like it, especially for smoothies, and on cereal.  Also, Coconut cream is delicious for smoothies.  
  • At the same time coconut milk is very healthy for those in later years, (senior folk) because the lauric acid content, contributes to better brain health and memory.  There is no lactose intolerance to deal with, and it also has been known to sooth, and eventually improve ulcers.

Surprising Nutrition

Coconut milk is higher in a healthy, and very beneficial, saturated fatty acid called lauric acid, (a Medium-Chain Triglyceride)-MCT,  which helps with energy production and more.  Lauric Acid, is the same ingredient that is found in breastmilk, which is an added benefit for using it in homemade baby formula.  

Coconut milk is loaded with healthy nutrition. 

Below is the basic nutrition content of a 1/4 cup of plain, full fat, coconut milk.

  • 1.5 grams protein
  • 2 grams sugar
  • 14 grams fat
  • .55 milligrams manganese (27 percent DV)
  • .15 milligrams copper (8 percent DV)
  • 60 milligrams phosphorus (6 percent DV)
  • 22 milligrams magnesium (5.5 percent DV)
  • 3.9 milligrams iron (5.5 percent DV)
  • 157 milligrams potassium (4.5 percent DV)

Make your own Coconut Milk

For a more natural, fresh, no additives, healthy coconut milk go to our, "Make Coconut Milk" page and see how easy and satisfying it is. 

I personally believe, that God in his infinite love and wisdom provided everything we need for both our physical and spiritual well being. He gave us his awesome creation for our sustenance and health, then made provision and hope for our eternal destinyClick on the link if you would like to know more.