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I Will
Praise You Lord

praise silhouette

I will praise you Lord should be our daily goal.

We can learn from David, the author of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

He spoke often of praise and worship to God. 

He gave accounts on God's many blessings and goodnesses to His children and His great mercy and lovingkindness to mankind in general. 

Here is a passage on praise from Psalms.

Psalm 145:4-9 

4. Each generation will praise your works to the next and proclaim your mighty acts. 

5. I will meditate on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on the story of your wonders,

6. People will speak of your awesome power and I will tell of your great deeds.

7. They will gush forth the fame of your abounding goodness, and they will sing of your righteousness.

8. God is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and great in grace.

9. God is good to all; his compassion rests on all his creatures.

I will! Praise

sunflower and sky

David didn't go halfway, when it came to worshiping and praising God. 

He made a deliberate decision, to not become negligent, in giving God the praise he deserved.

He wanted to be sure to give glory to his Lord, for all he had done for him and blessed him with. 

We can assume he made this decision because of the many, many times David started phrases in Psalms with the words, "I will".... concerning praise, listed below are just a few of those.


sing a new song to you, O God, 

extol you, my God O king,

bless thee and praise your Name for ever and ever,

speak of your majesty, and of your wondrous works,

praise you with my whole heart,

worship toward you holy temple, and praise your name for thy lovingkindness...

sing praise unto you before the gods

praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,

seek your good,

lift my eyes unto the hills, where my help comes from,

never forget you precepts,

meditate on your precepts,

delight myself in your commandments, which I have loved,

lift up my hands unto your commandments,

praise you with an upright heart,

praise you; for you have heard me,

praise you, O Lord,  among the people

sing praises to you among the nations,

sing and give praise,

sing unto the Lord as long as I live

sing praise to my God while I have my being

be glad in the Lord,

sing of mercy and judgment unto you, O Lord, will I sing.

I will Praise You Lord!

praise sunset

The list could go on and on, David also encourages others to worship and praise with words and statements such as; sing, come praise, rejoice, give thanks, bless the Lord, exalt the Lord, make a joyful noise, etc...

David's heart of praise and worship did not stop there.  He made the declaration of "I will", but also stated with confidence "I do".

His worship wasn't just a future plan, it was a current happening and action in his life.

He could state "I do", with confidence because it flowed from his heart of thankfulness to God.

Seven times a day do I praise you for your righteous law.  Psalms 119:164 

In this Psalm, David didn't just proclaim that he praised God, but that he praised Him 7 times a day. 

After reading and thinking on that, a question came to my mind. 

Did David have a specific routine, to make sure he spent time with his Lord in worship and fellowship?

Maybe something, such as a specific time of day, or place, or reading or singing or alone or with others?  There could be so many options and scenarios. 

No matter the specifics, the important aspect seems to be, that he somehow made a point to worship and praise God those seven times a day.   Because he had the intent in his heart of "I will Praise You Lord!".

It is so easy to get caught up in the business of a day and activities that so easily, keep us sidetracked from time with the Lord. 

Even something as simple as just thanking Him for the blessings He gives us daily.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily Loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.  Psalms 68:19 and

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalms 103:2

To try and emulate David's habit of attempting to stop and focus on the Lord and His goodness at least 7 times a day, I decided to see how I could divide the day up.

My goal was to make a reminder, to simplify developing this into a habit, and grow as I spent more deliberate time with my Lord and Saviour. 

The schedule below is simple and can be adapted to other times.  It is to be a basic start to growing in a life habit of worship to God. 

It is a free PDF file that can be downloaded and printed.  It has a copyright only to keep others from selling it. Click anywhere on the blue words in the document below and it will open the PDF file for printing.

It is only meant for help in spiritual growth and can be used and copied as needed and to remain free. 

Thank you for that assistance, in keeping the gospel message free. 

God Bless and Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Daily Praise Reminder

Seven times a Day do I praise you because of your righteous law.

I WILL Praise You Lord 

Psalms 119:164-165 

Seven times a day do I praise you for  your righteous law. 

Great peace have those who love your law,  

and nothing can make them stumble. 

Seven Times 

a.m.    1)  When I arise             

  8 a.m.    2)  When I eat breakfast 

         10 p.m.    3)  Mid morning – Praise break 

12 p.m.    4)  When I eat lunch     

           4 p.m.    5)  Mid afternoon Praise break 

          6 p.m.    6)  When I eat dinner/supper 

 9 p.m.    7)  When I go to bed     

Praises for His Acts and His Word that says

Promises that never fail, Everlasting life,  

Mercy that is new every morning, 

His Holy Spirit lives within us,  

His truth that never fails,  

Complete forgiveness,  

His righteous Justice,  

Our fortress and deliverer,  

His healing power,  

He gives His angels charge over us,  

His eye is always on us,  

He never forsakes us , 

And More....  


I personally believe, that God in his infinite love and wisdom provided everything we need for both our physical and spiritual well being. He gave us his awesome creation for our sustenance and health, then made provision and hope for our eternal destinyClick on the link if you would like to know more.