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Probiotic and Prebiotic
and Good Bacteria

What are probiotics?

What does Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods mean?

We can start with probiotics.

The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics defines "probiotics" as "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, bring aboaut a health benefit on the host”

Probiotics are live, active microorganisms ingested to alter the gastrointestinal flora for health benefits. They often are referred to as good bacteria.

 The good bacteria compete with bad bacteria to support the body in establishing optimal digestion and aid immune function.

It wasn't just a diet change it was a lifestyle change. 

Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods are a game changer when you have painful gut issues. 

My daughter had diverticulitis and she had to drastically change her diet. 

However the change was definitely for the better.  It wasn't just a diet change it was a lifestyle change. 

Much research was done, especially after she was prescribed more "prescripts" than she wanted to take, some very detrimental to her health. 

She found many foods that not only were healthier, they were healing, and brought health to her digestive system.

Below are several of the probiotic foods that we have started making a part of our diet on a daily basis. 

There are a few that we don't have access to due to the fact we live 90 miles from any specialty stores in a city.  So we haven't tried some of the ethnic type foods just becuase of no opportunity.

Can't I just take supplements to get my probiotics?

To obtain your probiotics or prebiotics, you can just take supplements. 

The only big drawback with that is the fact that you are not getting the fiber that is included in these foods.

Fiber is right up there with the probiotics in improving your health.  they work together wonderfully to really enhance your health.

A diet rich in the biotics, fiber and phytonutrients helps to protect your body from chronic lifestyle diseases and greatly boosts your immune system.

In addition studies suggest that these nutrients help to  protect your body from cancer. 

An added benefit is that you can't overdose on natural probiotics from food. So enjoy.

You can add supplements to your regime to increase your digestive health, while at the same time eat healthy nutrionally dense foods. 

You will be amazed how much better you will feal.  Our daughter said she felt younger. 

Probiotic and Prebiotic Food benefits are listed below

According to research it has been suggested that prebiotics will:

  • Improve digestion and metabolism
  • Lower inflammation in the body, which is very important to prevent disease in the body.
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Help regulate bowel movements
  • Regulate moods and reduce stress hormone levels
  • Improve calcium absorption and increase bone density
  • Regulate blood sugar and insulin resistance
  • Stimulate the production of hormones that aid in appetite suppression
  • Help balance and maintain hormone levels
  • Reduce risk of allergy
  • Lower the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Lower cholesterol level
  • Reduce risk of colon cancer

Probiotic foods:  

  • Yogurt – with live or active cultures and low or no sugar, or sweeten with stevia, honey, agave, (natural sweetener). Greek yogurt usually has more cultures and easier on the digestive system. 
  • Kefir – probiotic milk drink, good for bone health, digestive problems and protects against infections. 
  • Sauerkraut – probiotic and rich in fiber, vitamin C and K, also has iron and potassium.
healthy meal
  • Cheeses – Cottage cheese (highest), then Gouda cheese, and Mozzarella cheese 
  • Sourdough Bread – probiotic and easier on the digestive system 
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – in a drink up to a tablespoon a day, or can be on a salad as a dressing. 
  • Pickles – Gherkins – contains good probiotic bacteria but no live cultures and contains vitamin K, helps digestive system use the probiotics in the body. 
  • Pickled- Beets, carrots or other veggies. 
  • Green Peas -  Frozen is best and not overcooked or thawed in a salad, not overcooking protects the probiotic properties. 
  • Olives – brine cured containing no sodium benzoate. 
  • Kombucha – midly fermented black or green tea, studies suggest helps to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.  Don’t let set for too many days after opening to finish drinking it, because after it is opened it will continue to ferment more. 
  • Tempeh – fermented soy bean product 
  • Miso – Japanese seasoninng mad from fermented soy beans. 
  • Kimchi – fermented spicy Korean side dish. 
  • Raw milk 
  • Apples – very good probiotic bacteria and fiber. 

Prebiotic Foods:

Supports the good bacteria that is in your gut. 

  • Bananas 
  • Oats 
  • Asparagus 
  • Jerusalem artichoke  
  • Leeks 
  • Garlic 
  • Chicory root 
  • Soy Beans

All these food are very good for the digestive system and you cannot overdo probiotics from food, because your body knows how to process and use them completely.

The vegetables listed also contain phytonutrients which really help protect your body from chronic disease and greatly boosts your immune system.


veggies for phytonutrients

Have potent anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. 

Foods that are high in phytonutrients include:

  • berries,
  • tea,
  • coffee,
  • cruciferous veggies,
  • leafy greens, other veggies,
  • fruits like oranges,
  • sweet potatoes,
  • grape juice and dark chocolate 

Solo Build It!

I personally believe, that God in his infinite love and wisdom provided everything we need for both our physical and spiritual well being. He gave us his awesome creation for our sustenance and health, then made provision and hope for our eternal destinyClick on the link if you would like to know more.